الاخبار المحلية

Sudan Flag .. Design, Colors & Meaning

Sudan flag is the official flag of the current Republic of Sudan, adopted on May 20, 1970. It features three horizontal colors: red, white, and black, with a green triangle on the left.

This came after President Jaafar Nimeiri  government decided to choose a new flag through a public competition open to the public, in which visual artists, ministers, and ordinary citizens participated.

The design submitted by artist Abdul Rahman Ahmed Al-Jaali won among 72 models that qualified for the final selection.

sudan flag

Sudan flag .. Symbolism

The four colors of the flag have been interpreted as follows:

 Red:  symbolizes the blood of the martyrs of the homeland, starting from the well-known incident in Omdurman during the Battle of Karari, which led to the end of the Mahdist national rule in Sudan, where approximately 50,000 fighters were martyred, in addition to the martyrs of the resistance against colonialism and the martyrs of the armed forces.

White:  it symbolizes purity of heart, noble character, clear traits, and loyalty. It is also the color of peace and harmony.

Black: is the one from which the name of the country Sudan is derived; it embodies courage and pride in the homeland and heritage, and it also symbolizes belonging to the black continent.

Green: embodies the growth of the country and its natural wealth, which makes it a global food basket.

Old Sudan flag

Since Sudan independence from Britain and Egypt on January 1, 1956, the country has had two flags: On December 31, 1955, the proposal for the colors of the first flag, its meanings, position, and design was approved during the 53rd session of the House of Representatives in its third term. During this session, Mr. Mubarak Zaroug, a member of the House of Representatives (the leader of the council), presented the proposal for the colors and descriptions of the Sudanese flag, stating:

Mr. President

I would like to put forward the following suggestion:

It is the opinion of this council that the flag of Sudan should have the following descriptions:


  1. The blue: symbolizes the Nile.
  2. Yellow: it symbolizes the desert.
  3. Green: it symbolizes agriculture.


The blue is at the top.

The yellow color in the middle.

The color green from the bottom.

old sudan flag
old Sudan flag

Historical flags in Sudan

Flag of The Mahdist Revolution (1886 – 1899)

Sudan flag of The Mahdist Revolution
Sudan flag of The Mahdist Revolution

The flag used in Sudan during the joint colonial rule of Egypt and England over Sudan.

Sudan flag law

According to the law, the flag is raised during the day from sunrise to sunset, and it may be raised in the evening on official holidays and special national occasions. No other flag may be raised on the same pole with it or at a higher level. It is also not permissible to raise any other flag to his right side. Everyone present should stand when it is raised or lowered, facing it until the process is complete. Meanwhile, anyone wearing a formal uniform at that time should render a military salute during the raising or lowering.

The law prohibits the destruction or insult of the flag in any public place with the intent to incite hatred against the authority of the state. In such cases, the penalty can be imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, a fine, or both penalties together. The judge of the first criminal court is responsible for examining such violations.

The flag is rectangular in shape, with its width being half of its length. It consists of three equal horizontal rectangles, and it ends on the side adjacent to the flagpole with an equilateral green triangle, where the width of the flag equals the length of its base, and its vertical height is one-third of the flag’s length. The colors of the rectangles, from top to bottom, are red, white, and black, respectively.

Custom Designs

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